dimanche 8 mars 2009

Spotted: Crisis time in NYC... and a nice evening @ Bungalow 8

With Wall Street crashing, is this the end of the potted palm trees and notoriously hardcore door at Bungalow 8 on the now (too?) crowded 27th street? Didn't see anybody order helicopter service that night...

People used to go crazy trying to hail a cab at 3am in Chelsea. But now that more than 15,000 finance jobs have been lost in the city, things feel different. How about trying the subway for a change?

Time to swap your limo for an MTA elevator, lonely girl.


1 commentaire:

Eglantine a dit…

salut C@B.
Ah la crise. Je vous dirai comment ca se passe a Shanghai, je vais y chercher du taf.
(manu commence a bosser en avril a Shanghai, au revoir Wuhan)
bises a tous les deux!